
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-28 09:15:48    文字:【】【】【

    Hotel sandstone relief mural background wall to do a solid must accomplish the following several points. So today let Gold Orchid grass embossed company to say to you.

    To hotel sandstone relief mural background wall components were fixed with three methods, respectively, formation of different types of connection structure.

    Method 1: if the structure of the building is used in the construction of solid block masonry structure, because the strength of masonry is relatively large, the strength of the mortar is also relatively large, and the thickness of the masonry is relatively high, which requires the use of replacement method.

    Method two: if the construction can not meet the requirements, must be checked and reinforced. In this case, it is more effective to use the wall to strengthen the bolt and the anchor plate.

    方法三:安装锚栓,应该安装在置换块中心位置。如果施工时候无法到达这个要求,就必须对整个结构进行加固,主要是采用透墙对穿螺栓加锚板来 进行加固,这样才能保障固定的牢固性。
    Method three: install the anchor bolt and should be installed in the center of the replacement block. If the construction time can not reach this requirement, it is necessary to strengthen the whole structure, mainly through the use of the wall on the bolt and anchor plate to strengthen, so as to ensure the security of fixed.

    Method four: checking and strengthening the connection structure of the whole building, because the hollow block has no filling hole, should choose to reach the requirements of concrete pouring, the concrete method is to use the method of pressure grouting, of course also should pay attention to the concrete is the expansion of fine stone, anchor bolt position selection is to avoid joint position, so as to ensure the fixed.

    Method five: Hotel sand relief mural background wall to choose the replacement block, mainly to the concrete has the requirement, must be to achieve a certain level of the expansion of fine stone concrete, but also should pay attention to the thickness must meet certain requirements, height and width can not be less than the thickness requirements.

    Above is the Gold Orchid grass embossed company and share professional knowledge, if you still need more can continue to pay attention to us.





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