
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-12 10:47:25    文字:【】【】【

    Now that the art form is diversified, the boundaries are not so clear.

    The basic form of sculpture

    Round: the means do not adhere to any background, can enjoy from various angles of three-dimensional sculpture.

    Relief: it is a kind of sculpture in the plane to carve out the image of the ups and downs.

    Toudiao: also known as carving, sculpture is a boundary between sculpture and relief. In relief on the basis of the background, hollow, single and double relief relief, also called a frame is a hollow plate.

    Zhengzhou glass steel sculpture factory is one of the plastic arts. The art of making the three dimensional space image with a certain material and method. The means of production are carved, plastic, pile, paste, welding, knock, etc.. Sculptures of the generation and development is inseparable with the production of human life, at first it reattachment in practical objects, and later evolved into independent works of art.

    Michelangelo's statue of David, is one of the recognized masterpiece sculptures from the point of view of the development of sculpture, traditional sculpture and modern sculpture, traditional sculpture is created by the traditional materials visual and touch, static 3D art form; modern sculpture with new materials, the use of sound, light, electricity and other production of anti traditional four-dimensional spaces or five - dimensional sculpture, sound and light sculpture and soft sculpture, kinetic sculpture.

    According to the traditional materials, according to environment and the function can be divided into urban sculpture, garden sculpture, indoor sculpture, outdoor sculpture, a sculpture of a desk, shelf sculpture.

    Due to a variety of sculpture materials, there are clay, stone, wood, metal, plaster, resin, ivory, etc.. Then develop several categories:

    Wood carving: the history of wood carving is very long, the theme is mostly based on religion as the core, in addition to the sculpture of religious idols, but also used in the decoration of the altar, religious sites. The wooden building prosperous country, wood carving is with building together with the development of. Modern wood carving has a very diverse style, the artist likes to use abstract form to show. In addition, the invention of printing is an important contributor to the wood.

    Stone: the development of the area with the stone carving of the stone where it is very related to the development of stone, stone, the history of the stone is also quite long. Past stone works is often used as garden ornaments, in front of the sign, or is a mausoleum building decoration, based on stone thick (not easy to be stolen), carved details is not easy to damaged due to wind and rain, the stone carving more to outdoor environment. Common stone material is marble.

    Snow, ice, sand sculpture, bronze, pottery

    The type of sculpture of Zhengzhou glass steel sculpture factory can be divided from different angles. From the production process to points, sculpture can be divided into carving and plastic. Carving is from the complete solid bodies to excess scrape off and dug out, such as stone carving, wood carving, jade carving, plastic is with bonded material connexion, constitute the required form, such as clay sculpture, pottery and other. From the theme of the sculpture, sculpture can be divided into commemorative sculpture, architectural decorative sculpture, urban landscape sculpture, religious sculpture, sculpture, sculpture, sculpture.






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