
裸体雕塑大卫像脚部出现裂痕 专家忧其倒塌
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-07-29 10:17:41    文字:【】【】【


    According to British newspaper the daily telegraph, Italian scientists have confirmed that the Renaissance master Michelangelo created statue of David foot neck at a small crack, may be drained. The statue has a large weight and the supporting force has been weakened. Vibration made by millions of visitors to make the statue damaged. In addition, the marble quality is not good.


    World Famous Nude Sculpture "David like" recently shocked by the news of the foot cracks, experts fear, this statue standing up for more than 500 years of giant, at any time are likely to fall. Many users believe that David has stood for hundreds of years, should let him sit down and take a good rest.

    “大卫像”是文艺复兴时代艺术家米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的杰作,高5公尺,重5.5吨,之前陈列在佛罗伦斯广场350多年,直到 1873年才移到佛罗伦斯美术馆,每年都吸引到上百万名游客前来“朝圣”。不过意大利研究人员最近发现,大卫的脚部出现细微裂痕,脚踝结构恐怕太脆弱,撑 不住整座雕像,有倒塌危机。

    "David like" is a masterpiece of Renaissance artist Michelangelo Michelangelo, 5 meters high, weighs 5.5 tons, before displayed in Florence square more than 350 years, until 1873 moved to Florence Art Gallery every year to attract to hundreds of thousands of tourists come to "pilgrimage". But the Italy researchers have recently found that David's feet appear subtle cracks, the ankle structure is too fragile, can not support the entire statue, a collapse of the crisis.

    研究人员指出,由于当年米开朗基罗创作这件得意之作时,采用的大理石品质不是很好,令“大卫像”原来就较为脆弱;加上“大卫像”长年倾向一个角度, 对数百年以来承受整尊石像体重的脚踝造成压力,目前出现细微裂痕的地方不仅是石像腿部,位于右腿后侧的部分也有可能出现裂痕。研究人员警告,如果没有进一 步的保护措施,“大卫”最终会因为承受不住自己的重量而倒塌,一次地震或道路工程很可能就足以令石像倒下。

    The researchers pointed out that because when Michelangelo created this masterpiece, the marble quality is not very good, "David like" originally is fragile; plus "David like" long-term tendency of an angle, for hundreds of years under the whole statue weight ankle caused by pressure, current minor cracks in the place is not only leg of the stone, is located in the right posterior part also may appear crack. Researchers warned that if there is no further protection measures, "David" will eventually toppled because not bear their weight, an earthquake or road engineering is likely is enough to make the statue fell.


    The researchers suggest, "David" moved to the earthquake room, or find a new site for. Net friend is on the "David" experience expressed sympathy, hope that the parties concerned can let David back down the line, a good rest.







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