
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-27 09:32:14    文字:【】【】【



    What is the sandstone relief? This concept for many people is fuzzy, Jinlan grass to introduce relief company.

    Sandstone relief is bullying irregularities in the rock carved out of the image of the line art, is between between sculpture and painting art form. Relief space can be constructed three-dimensional effect, also can combine their plane form and attached to a carrier: stone, plastic, wood, and relatively independent existence. In order to meet the need of a particular viewpoint, the characteristics of sandstone are relatively prominent in the compression process of the two-dimensional or planar characteristics.

    1, also known as sand sandstone relief rocks, sandstone relief from the mineral silica particles composed of crystallization. The sandstone relief silica soil is formed by the addition of calcium carbonate and iron oxide, which is a long time and the strength, and the hardness of the sandstone in some areas is even more than that of granite. Because of the large size of the particles, the sandstone relief is hard, and it is suitable for large outdoor stone works.

    2, the sandstone relief is zero radioactive stone, no harm to human body. Marble, granite is the presence of trace radioactive, long life in which the person may have influence character by environment damage. From the style of decoration, to create a warm sandstone relief style, simple and elegant, warm and explicit, luxurious atmosphere.

    In durability, sandstone relief is absolutely comparable to marble, granite weathering, it will not, would not change. Many in the one hundred or two hundred years ago, the building has been built with sandstone relief style remains the same, still retaining one's graceful bearing. Available: white, yellow sandstone, sandstone relief relief grain sand and sand landscape pattern of four varieties.

    3, carving and shaping of the plane, sandstone relief can composite of sculpture and painting technology advantage, technique of diversity and diversification. In the two-dimensional space perspective foreshortening, foil the main image of the background to depict or virtual, sandstone relief shape language other than the sculpture especially the sculpture in the round, with a stronger narrative also do not lose the performance of general sculpture.

    Cam Ranh sandstone relief design company conform to the decoration of the development of the times, focus on to develop relief decoration industry, in the sandstone relief services for many years, has a large number of technology exquisite sandstone relief artist and years of sandstone relief decoration and design experience, on sandstone relief project to control ability is just right, the completion of the a large number of cities and counties of sandstone relief image engineering, loved by local leaders and the owners, focus on relief, so more professional, welcomed the consultation visit!







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