
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-08-19 09:44:42    文字:【】【】【


    Bronze Jue, drinking, is the earliest bronze. "Said a ministry": "prince, also like the grand ritual, shape, there is a wine. Again, to also, so drink like jazz, the Ming is also good."


    The general shape of the grand round belly, pour the wine flow, after a balanced flow weight tail, next to the handle, on the second column, three students. Some jazz for abdominal square, few grand for a single column or column free.


    Second hair four pieces of copper Jue is characterized in that the wall is thin and light body, long tail flow, waist and bottom, the cross section and the bottom is peach shaped, three foot is fine and write out, handle many rectangular or triangular hollow. Some copper Cup flow and mouth between two short columns.


    Prince of the early Shang Dynasty as flat flat, narrow flows, mouth between two short column, three cone shaped pivot like instability, under the outer wall of a humanoid van lines and three connected enough, waist is copper Jue Erlitou culture slightly rough, along keep slightly thickened style.


    Mid Shang Dynasty Prince of double column has been increased, and the top of the column variable like bacteria, also appeared in a single column grand, grand gradually increased, and the flat bottomed gradually round bottom.


    The early period of the late Shang dynasty grand characteristic flow flat, double mushroom column, there are single umbrella column, flat bottom, three feet high, with handle. The late period of the long and narrow stream jazz, oval bottom, square grand square abdomen appears four.


    When the Duke of flat and round bottom two: flat Jue wake is higher, the button column was umbellate or mushroom, straight abdominal shallow, animal head handle, abdominal Fei edge; round bottom Jue long short tail, bacteria or umbrella shaped column, animal head handle, three feet higher.


    The early Western Zhou Jue, early are oval abdomen, narrow and long flow, the front end is higher than the back end. This period, from flat to round cup handle. Flat belly Prince has disappeared.






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